Well.. my baby turned 2. Its hard for me to believe but he is such a big little boy. I know it will only go by faster, so I am trying to take it all in. Miguel is scheduled for "surgery" on July 6 and we are praying the doctors find what they need to. Its been a busy past few days. Briarwood just started a 6 week bible study for Tuesdays and I went this morning. Very funny.. Miguel went to the nursery but Jorge melted down so he came with me. He did very well and sat through the entire hour and 15 minutes in my lap. I think he did it because he was tired and didn't have the energy to battle with me. That, and he didn't want me to take him to the nursery. Ha! Also, Jorge has been crawling out of his crib for about three months now, but he fell this past weekend and landed on his head so we figured safety over convienence and converted his crib to the daybed. I think I have, so far, put the fear of God in him if he gets out (plus one day of five spankings in a row) so he doesn't crawl out anymore. Big Jorge hid the video camera in his room last night and captured about 40 minutes of footage (in the dark with the camera's back light on) that is HILARIOUS. Especially watching it in fast forward. I never imagined that my toddler could do that much moving around before finally falling asleep. Actually the tape ran out before he fell asleep. Fun times.
Im reading the Corrie Ten Boom biography. I just started it so I don't have much info yet. I've heard some incredible things about her life so I wanted to make sure I got it. Why the biographies you ask? God kinda laid it on my heart to read books that I've always said I wanted to read but hadn't. Books that would be worth the time that I have to carve out to read. I enjoyed the Susanne Wesley book and now I wanted to read one on John Wesley. If you have any recommendations I would love to hear them. The Ten Boom book is part of my effort to read a "holocost" related book at least once a year. But the other biographies I hope to get encouraged by "modern" day heros of the faith. I would love to know what you suggest. Well I better get to the kiddos.
Hooray for birthdays. I'm still waiting on my sis-in-law to give me pics of Zach's party. ;)
As for biographies to read ... a recent enjoyment was In the Presence of My Enemies by Gracia Burnham ... it was interesting to read an "in my lifetime" missionary martyr story. I think there's another one, but I can't think of it ...
Rachel you are an awesome mom.. i just thought you should know that..
We just finished a biography of Gladys Alward. I had never heard of her, but it is an amazing story of radical obedience and radical results!
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