Okay.. So as i mentioned briefly in my last blog I am wrting a book. Well I started and finished it four years ago. And by finish, I mean that I knew I had to edit it and then I would have a final draft. Then our old computer crashed two years ago and I lost everything, except pictures, including my book. However, I did have one hard copy that was in a filing cabinet. Flash forward two years to this week. I pulled it out, after the prompting from the Lord, to retype it into our current computer and then work on making revisions..since its been four years since I wrote it and a lot has happened in that time that lends experience to the book.
So last night I went on a date with my hubby and gushed at how neat it was to see that, although I liked the content of my book as is, I was excited to see how the Lord put it on hold so that I could pick it up again when I had gone through more life experiences and then be able to have an added perspective to revise it with. (wow that was a long sentence)
So Im sitting in my room thirty minutes ago and my phone rings. Who is it, you ask? None other than Wine Press Publishing calling to check on the status of my book. Now I had talked to them four years ago after I posted a synopsis of my book on a centralized website that authors use so that all publishers can peruse the books by subject, etc. They contacted me from that site, although my book was not finished. Here they call four years later the week that I pick it back up.. now, tell me thats not a God ordained call.
Now Wine Press is still a publishing company that I would have to pay to have it published, but they are responsible to market it, stock it in stores and sell it online. And I get all funds made from the book, not just royalties. Most unpublished, first time authors, have to go this route. Although, I am still praying that my book would be picked up by a "major" publisher. only so I don't have to fork out the money upfront. Since Im not writing to get money, it would still me nice not to have to pay that initial cost. Anyway.. i was just so floored by the "random" call that I had to share with you my excitement. Please pray for the Lord's will.. which I hope is for this book to get published, either through this company or another one.
Isn't God truly amazing! And now I'd like to challenge you to two things:
1) Create a timeline to actually get the edits done. Enlist whatever help you can to help with the children for 2 days and then hit it hard. Don't get distracted. If you have a laptop, maybe you can go to the library and work in a fresh, secluded environment.
2) Trust God to help you generate the funds to use WinePress if that is who He has in mind for your book. A friend of mine wrote a book on Women Mentoring Women and published it through WinePress. It didn't take long for her to get discovered. InterVarsity Press has now picked it up and it is one of their best sellers!
I'm praying for you, dear one. I know you can do this because God has called you to it.
oh Marsha.. can you come live with me?? you are so encouraging. Great I idea on the kids thing. I really need to do that. My husband is off two days a week and on the weekends.. so that is a very doable plan. I am so excited. Especially hearing about your friend who published through WinePress. How did it get "picked up" after its already been published by a different publisher? Forgive me Im ignorant on these things.
I'm not sure. I'll drop her an email and ask her.
On another note, I get an email from Focus on the Family each week called Troubled With... . Each week they cover a different problem. This week is about losing a child and miscarriage. I thought of you. One of the links in the article lead to a first hand story by a woman who has experienced miscarriage. I thought you might like to read it. Here's the link:
http://www.troubledwith.com/LoveandSex/A000000348.cfm?topic=love% 20and%20sex%3a%20miscarriage
I wish I lived nearby. I'd certainly lend you a hand with the kidos!
Wow! God's timing is impeccable and it is wonderful to know that He already sees exactly how it will all come together. If you need help with revisions or proof reading, I would love to help.
Graced- I will seriously take you up on that. I have so much respect for you and your walk with the Lord..i would consider it a great honor for you to proofread it. Although, i would be nervous at the same time. the same reason I would be nervous for anyone to read it. Just hope there is nothing heretical in it! ha! lol. (im just kidding).
Send it on. I love to proofread. (I'm sure the only thing I would find would be some missing commas or something!)
You go girl! Stacy wrote a book a few years ago. It was a neat experience!
I hope it works out for ya.
What is the book about?
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