Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Operation Organize

So, when your house has been on the market for a year, you may decide it's time to adjust to the reality: you WILL be living in your "small/cozy" house indefinitely.

In that case.. it's time to make some MAJOR adjustments.

FUNCTIONAL organizing.

That simply means that we must forgo the "pretty" for the "functional" to maximize space in our precious little 1300 sq. ft home. My hubby and I are taking one room at a time. Starting with the living room and dining room. We will be getting our pictures back on the wall (you know, because realtor's suggest you take personal stuff down) and if someone wants to buy our house.. they will have to buy it having looked at only my kids faces on the walls.

I just got back from Target with my first organizational purchase: two of these..
and I will be sure to post a before and after picture. In fact, I will post pics of all our progress.

I am thankful to be able to finally feel like we aren't in limbo. And part of loving a house is making it your own.. so that is what we are going to do (again). This time, even better. Maximizing our space. Think NYC loft! haha.

Well, I better go.. laundry won't fold itself.
(but it sure does sit in the basket for days just fine).


Sandy said...

Ooh, I had one of those shelving units (and the little buckets) while I was in divinity school and it was WONDERFUL! It actually served as my dresser for most of its life with me. I passed it along to one of my in-laws for toy storage, but I will probably get another one when we start buying for our den! Happy Organizing!

KLBx4 said...

We have one of those units as well and it hides all of the misc toys. Love it!