Tuesday, March 24, 2009

so much.. so much

So I won't be able to upload pics from our beach trip until tonight.. maybe.  So please be patient. I know blogs are so much more fun to read when there are pics. 

Our trip went well and we kept the family tradition alive: ME getting sick at the beach.  I got Strep.  OUT OF NOWHERE!  Only the Garcia's I tell you.  But once I got my antibiotics I felt much better in 24 hours.  Alex got the fever virus our last night there, but he too is all better.   

My hubby and I also celebrated our six year anniversary Sunday and enjoyed a..um.. long drive back home.  HA!  I thought that instead of a sign on our van that said "Honk and we'll kiss" it should read:  6th year anniversary-3 kids three and under-HONK and we'll fall asleep."  
It was more funny in my head.  I'll do a tribute post later. 

Also, very excited (for now, LOL) to start the P90X exercise program. My older sister is doing it as well and so I have an accountability partner, which is nice.  Also, putting it out there to all of you is a huge accountability.  You can read about the program yourself, but I am not so much after weight loss as I am losing inches on my waist (baby stuff) and toning my legs arms, and well, all over.  I am super excited and will post photos as I start to see change of before/after.  

Well I better go. I look forward to catching up with everyone's blogs soon.. 


1 comment:

care-in said...

Love your car sign!!