Monday, July 28, 2008

Life looks different...

my world looks a little different thinking that I may have a baby in four weeks.  Yes, I will only be 38 weeks, but all the diabetes signs point to an early delivery.  Granted, I will try to avoid pitocin by doing some more "natural" things to get things going on that joyous week.  My friend Lori sent me an email with some fun things to do, that she says, work like a charm.  They include: 

-Black Cohosh.  Don't even ask me.  I still have to ask what Im supposed to do with that! 
-Clary sage oil. Im supposed to rub this on my belly and it will stimulate the uterus to contract. 
-primrose oil (which I can do now, the other stuff has to wait until week 38) it works as a cervix ripener.  cool. 
-eat eggplant, pinapple
-sex (hehe)
-walk stairs

She said the key to starting the labor is doing them all at once (well in the same day rather, lol).  Im excited to try.  I will have a dr's appt tomorrow so i will talk to dr. R about all of it and see if he is on board.  I know he is about delivery at 38 weeks and stripping my membranes.. but i have to make sure he's okay with black cohosh and clary sage oil too.  ;-)

But wild to think I could only have four more weeks before meeting this precious little girl.  fun times.  makes the hot days not seem as difficult with that perspective!


Jaci Spain said...

Wow...exciting! 4 weeks is going to fly by! If you can just get rid of the stomach virus first,! I know what you mean, this virus has acted so weird. Just when you think it's over, it strikes again. The girls have been throw up/diarrhea free for over 48 hrs. now so I am praying and keeping my fingers crossed that they are finally better. Hope ya'll get there soon too!

Kim said...

I do not worry about you not leaving me comments...

looking forward to hearing how things go.

Missy said...

I was realeaved to hear that your poor husband wouldn't have to compete with the Black Cohosh and sagey oils. ;)

I am sorry for you being pregnant this time of year. June was long enough into the Summer for me. I greatly admire all of you late Summer Prego people!