Sunday, June 22, 2008

Meet Kevin Esparza! And other fun stuff..

One of my husband's sisters, Veronica, had her baby on Saturday: Kevin Ernesto Esparza. He is so cute and of course Jorgito was all about holding him. Alex, on the other hand, was clueless.

We also had the wedding for one of my little sisters, Esther. She married Mr. Bryce Horswell of Minnesota. I actually made it down the aisle and everything went off without a problem. Of course I was so busy that I only managed to get ONE picture and she doesn't have her veil on in this one. I will get some pics emailed to me later and I can post those then.

CUTE STORY: while visiting Veronica this evening Jorgito and I decided to walk across the street to get some food (albeit fast food). While ordering, a homeless man approached the counter to ask our cashier for change for a dollar once the drawer opened. She agreed, so there he stood next to us while I finished my order. Jorgito walked about two feet away from me and walked up to the man and said, "Hello" in the cutest toddler voice ever.. I turned and smiled just in time to see the man's face light up as he said, "well hello little man, How are you?" To which Jorge replied, "good." I just continued to order and then asked Jorge if he could help me get the drinks. I may be completely wrong but I think the man was a little surprised that I didn't grab Jorge away and keep him from talking to him. But it was such an example of God's love.. unconditional.

You see, I was thinking, "Jorge you better stay right next to me." But when Jorge saw this man he didn't see anything different about this man than seeing any other man. He greeted him as happily as he would a man in a suit. That was just neat for me to watch. I didn't want to pull him away because that man needed that greeting just as much as any other person, maybe more. Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart.

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